Norwich Natural Fertility Partnership

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Women's Health Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy aims to maintain and restore health through movement and exercise, manual therapy, education and advice. At the core is the patient’s involvement in their own care, through education, awareness, empowerment and participation in their treatment.
Women’s Health Physiotherapy relates primarily to the muscles and joints of the pelvis. Women often seek help during pregnancy or after childbirth, but symptoms can occur at any time of life. These may include incontinence, prolapse, pelvic pain (including painful sex, or pain during pregnancy), difficulties with pelvic floor muscle exercises, or separation of the abdominal muscles after pregnancy (diastasis rectus abdominus).
Many of these symptoms can be significantly improved with physiotherapy through a combination of exercise, advice, and hands on treatment as required. A first appointment lasts up to an hour, and involves discussing your current symptoms along with your medical history and lifestyle. You may be asked to have an examination, depending on your symptoms. This will be discussed with you beforehand. The number of appointments you will need depends on your symptoms and is determined individually. 
Often, women find that their pelvic floor muscles are weaker after childbirth, and these can usually be strengthened with an individualised home exercise programme. Some women may find that they would benefit from use of a pelvic floor device, with which physiotherapy can assist you. Conversely, there are a number of women with pelvic floor muscles which are working too hard, and are ‘overactive’. They may still find it difficult to squeeze their pelvic floor muscles because of this, and may also have pain relating to their pelvic floor. This can be linked to difficulties with sex, and to gynaecological conditions such as endometriosis. Physiotherapy can work to reduce symptoms related to overactive or weak pelvic floor muscles, on an individual basis, and in conjunction with other members of your healthcare team.
Clair Jones has worked exclusively in Women’s Health Physiotherapy since 2002, having qualified in New Zealand in 1997. She initially worked in a busy sports and general outpatients clinic, as well as working in Women’s Health and other specialties in hospitals in both New Zealand and the UK.  On arriving in the UK she commenced a post-graduate diploma in Women’s Health Physiotherapy at the University of Bradford, and became a full member of the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Women’s Health (ACPWH, now Pelvic, Obstetric and Gynaecology Physiotherapy, POGP). In 2006 she completed a Masters Degree with distinction at the University of East London. 
Clair Jones:
@ Rowan House, 28 Queens Road, Hethersett NR9 3DB

Appointments available throughout the week and evenings.
Initial assessment 45 mins - 1hr charged at £65
Follow up appointments 30 mins charged at £45

Contact via email:


Clair has continued to develop her clinical skills through a wide variety of courses including;

  • viscerofascial mobilisation of the urinary system (including scar work)
  • attendance and presentation at regional and national conferences
  • assessment and treatment of pelvic pain
  • management of perineal trauma
  • assessment and treatment of male pelvic floor dysfunction
  • assessment and treatment of pelvic girdle pain.

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